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ACC's Current Roundtable Session

Developing Women Leaders: the In-House Context

This report summarizes the discussion at the ACC’s CLO Roundtable session “Developing Women Leaders: the In-House Context” held in Calgary on January 19, 2017. It is the second session on this topic.

The first, held in April of 2016, was a women only event. Given that progress on this topic will require involvement of both genders, the current session attendees are comprised of both male and female CLOs.

ACC’s CLO Roundtable sessions are designed to provide a forum for CLOs who wish to exert greater leadership in their companies, at the bar, in the courts, and in the halls of government on emerging issues of greatest concern.

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ACC CLO Roundtable Archives

ACC CLO Roundtables bring together leading CLOs in a series of invitation-only forums. At each forum, the CLOs take an in-depth look at a current trend, issue or development facing today’s law department leaders.

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